Thursday, March 3, 2011

The same old song and dance

Has anyone noticed what is happening again in the world. Just as world economies are barely emerging from the ashes of the global disaster that occurred more than two years ago, it happens again. What happens again you ask, well the soaring gas prices that's what. A few years ago with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that gas prices spiked record highs and the short skirmish between Lebanon and Israel didn't help matters any. As several factors took place around the world the global oil markets boomed, with the sudden interests in driving going on in China and India, the U.S. oil market hit well over $100/brl. With the citizens saving their money and spending it conservatively, many companies started to take a dive. No one was buying the big vehicles that the traditionally bought and the Auto companies took the deepest dive and laid of thousands of workers, along with hundreds of companies nationwide. With the beginning of the layoffs came the real estate bubble burst./ Many of these family were what some call house poor, which means they could afford their house but little more because of the ratio between what they made in income and what they paid out in bills. Just as gas prices caused the first economic collapse of the new century, it is going to kill whatever progress was made sense 2008. Is this just fate, destiny, the ways things are just going to play out, or is there someone or something behind it all. I say follow the money and influence and you will find the ghost in the machine.

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